Classic Onboarding Getting Started Guide - Managers

This article is for managers in Onboarding. If you have access to the Onboarding Settings page, you are an Onboarding administrator. Click here for the getting started guide for Onboarding administrators regarding how to set up your Onboarding system.

In this article:

An overview of permissions for Manager users in Onboarding

Managers in Onboarding can access their own tasks and their direct reports' records, tasks, and documents (if the forms were set to manager view as well as admin view). If your account uses locations, managers can see all of the employees who are members of their location.

Manager users can:

  • Assign already-created checklists to their direct reports
  • See employees that are their direct reports (or members of locations they are associated with) on the Employees page

Managers cannot access the Settings page and thus cannot edit or create checklists. Limited access and full access users on the ATS generally become managers in Onboarding. If a manager needs an additional location or department access, an Onboarding admin can add access on the Settings page.

Accessing Onboarding

Click the CareerPlug logo in the upper left corner of your screen and select Onboarding in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the Onboarding side of CareerPlug's system.


Assigning checklists and forms to your employees

Once an Onboarding administrator has created forms and checklists on your account, you have the ability to assign forms and checklists to your employees.

To do so, navigate to the Onboarding page and click the Assign Tasks link underneath the employee.


On the following page, select which checklists (groups of forms) and/or individual forms the employee should complete. Ensure you select the correct signer/approver of forms. If it should be you, select your name from the drop-down menu.


Click the Update Checklist Assignments button when you are finished. When you update the employee's checklists, they will be sent an email instructing them that they have tasks to complete.

Signing and approving your employees' tasks

Once one of your employees has completed a task for which you are responsible for signing/approving, you should log into CareerPlug and sign or approve the form. Navigate to your Tasks page in Onboarding. (If notifications are set up on your account, you will get an email that you need to review and/or complete some part of the form. You can click the link in the email to go to the form.)

On the Tasks page, you'll see a list of your employee's tasks that may require action from you. Click the View All Tasks link next to an employee's name to see who is responsible for taking the next action on a task.



If you are responsible for the next action, click the name of the form to complete your action. In some cases, you will simply need to review and approve the form. In other cases, like with the Federal I-9, you will need to fill out some information yourself and then e-Sign.



When both employee and manager have completed their sides of a form, the task will appear with a green dot on the employee's task list.


Don't have access to an employee you should?

Contact an administrator on your account and ask them to ensure that you are listed as the employee's manager in Onboarding and/or ensure you are associated with the correct locations in Onboarding. Onboarding location access is granted separately from ATS location access.