Creating and adding custom fields for an employee report

When you create a new employee report in Onboarding, there are many different options for customizing your report to best fit your purposes.

Some of the basic settings include the report name, weekly run date, a hiring or onboarding date range, employment status, and locations and departments. These settings determine which employees will be included in your report.

If you want to edit which information for an employee is displayed in the report, you will need to edit the included columns. The columns include multiple custom fields for your report, ranging from basic biographical information to employment information.

To edit the columns included in an employee report, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Onboarding by clicking the CareerPlug logo on the left-hand side of your screen. Once you are in Onboarding, click the Reports page.

2. Click the Edit link next to the Employee Report.


3. Scroll down to the 'Edit Included Columns' link. Make your selections for which custom fields you want in your report. Unless you have added custom fields, only the CareerPlug defaults will appear.


4. To save your changes, but not immediately run the report, click Update Report and the report will run on the weekday you selected, if applicable. To save your changes and run a new report immediately, click Update and Run Now.

If you need to add custom hiring fields not included in the CareerPlug defaults, follow these steps:

Go to Onboarding > Account > Settings. Scroll down to Employee Custom Fields. Select Add Employee Custom Field.


In the pop-up, select the field type (similar options as prescreen questions) and create a field name, mark the field as required or not, and designate whether it can be prefilled from the employee record. Another option is whether the field is visible on the Personal Info page for the employee to edit on their own (i.e t-shirt size or emergency contact) or the Management page so that only the manager can edit it (i.e. employment or pay type). Click Save when you are finished editing the field.


If you want to edit your custom hiring fields, you can use the arrows on the left to arrange the order in which they will appear on your employee report. You can also edit the field itself by clicking on the pencil icon or delete the field by clicking the X.

When you are finished editing your custom fields, they will be available to select when editing your employee report.