How to fix job images and information on LinkedIn or Facebook

When you or someone else first posts your job to LinkedIn or Facebook, these sites create a snapshot of your job's title, brief description, and current images. This snapshot is what appears when you post your job to your Facebook or LinkedIn feeds.

Here's an example:


Looks great, doesn't it? However, if you change your job title, job description, or the images that are associated with your job, LinkedIn and Facebook won't automatically update that snapshot, even though CareerPlug will automatically update your job.

If your job isn't showing up on social media with the appropriate image — for example, maybe you deleted a photo from your careers page, and that photo is still appearing in the snapshot — this isn't a problem with your CareerPlug job.

All you need to do is visit the site that hosts the old snapshot and 'Scrape' or 'Inspect' your link. Different websites call it different things, but essentially you are asking these sites to make a new, updated snapshot to display when people share your job.

By default, the image that generates when you post a job is the first photo on your careers page. To change which photo is displayed, change the order of your careers page photos. Save your changes, and then scrape the job URL by following the steps below.

Updating your job's snapshot on Facebook

Log into Facebook and visit Paste the link to your job in the field and click the Debug button.


On the following page, you will be able to see the snapshot that Facebook has taken of your job. If it is incorrect, click the Scrape Again button, and the new, updated snapshot will appear.

Updating your job's snapshot on LinkedIn

Visit Paste the link to your job in the field and click the Inspect button. This will automatically update your job's snapshot.