Setting up your calendar for Autopilot

When you upgrade to CareerPlug's Premium plan, Autopilot will automatically be added to all of your hiring processes and open jobs. That means there's only one step before you're ready to start using Autopilot. Connect your calendar and let Autopilot start doing the work of scheduling interviews so you can get back to managing your business!

Watch this video to learn how to set up your calendar for Autopilot, or follow the guides below:

In this article:

Connecting your calendar to CareerPlug

1. Click the Set Up Autopilot button in your top navigation bar.


You can also set up your calendar by navigating to My Profile > Calendars.

2. Find your calendar account provider on the Calendars tab and click the associated button.


3. On the following page, click the checkbox to agree to the terms and allow CareerPlug (via Cronofy) to access your calendar account.

4. Click the Link [Provider] Account button.


5. Select the calendar account you want to connect to CareerPlug.


If you select an account not currently signed into your browser, you must enter your login credentials. If you don't see the account you're looking for, click Use another account to enter login credentials for a different calendar account.

6. Click the Allow button to share your calendar account information with CareerPlug (via Cronofy).


Now that you've set up your calendar, you can start using Autopilot to automatically schedule interviews with your applicants!


To view your active calendar accounts, navigate to My Profile > Calendars. Click the Add calendar account button to connect additional calendar accounts to your profile.

Configuring your Autopilot calendar settings

When you connect your calendar to CareerPlug, your Minimum Interview Notice, Primary Calendar, and Working Hours will automatically be set to smart defaults.

However, if you'd like to change any of these calendar settings, you can easily do so yourself from the Calendars tab in My Profile. Click the Edit button to make any updates.


Minimum Interview Notice

This will default to 1 hour.

Change the length of your Minimum Interview Notice using the drop-down menu. This is the minimum notice you require when an applicant schedules an interview.


Primary Calendar

This will default to the primary calendar of the calendar account that you connect to Autopilot.

Select your Primary Calendar (if more than one is available) using the drop-down menu. This is the calendar to which Autopilot will automatically add interviews.


Autopilot determines your availability using all of the calendars connected to your CareerPlug account (Gmail, iCloud, Office, Exchange, Outlook). When applicants choose a time slot for their interview, Autopilot will automatically add the event to your Primary Calendar.

Working Hours

This will default to 9 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday in your account's default time zone.

Set your Working Hours by clicking any of the green ("Available") blocks on your calendar, blocking out any specific time you are unavailable — or any time you want to make yourself unavailable — for interviews.

When determining the time slots to offer applicants, Autopilot looks for any existing events on your Primary Calendar and then considers the Working Hours you set. Applicants can only select time slots that are open on an Interviewer's Primary Calendar and fall within their Working Hours.

An example of how you might use this is if your calendar is typically open from 9 - 10 a.m. but you want to avoid applicants booking interviews during that time, you can remove 9 - 10 a.m. from your Working Hours.


Note: Applicants cannot see any event information or personal details on your calendar. Applicants only see times when you are available so they can choose a time slot that works for both of you!

Once you finish configuring any calendar settings, click the Save button.