Sharing jobs to Facebook

On your Jobs page, find a job that you would like to post to Facebook. Click the Share button. A drawer will appear with social media icons at the top. Click the Facebook icon.



You will be required to log into your Facebook account if you are not already logged in to Facebook in the web browser you are using.


After logging in, you will then see the share box. By default, you will be sharing the posting on your own News Feed. To select a different place to post your job, click the Share to News Feed or Story drop-down menu, and choose where you want your job posting to appear.

For example, when you select Share on a Page You Manage, you will then see Pages you manage. You can select the correct Page, create a message, and click the Post to Facebook button.


The photo that appears with your posting

When you post a job to Facebook using the Share button, the default image that generates will be the first photo on your careers page. To change which photo is displayed, change the order of your careers page photos. Learn how to add photos here.

After you change the order of your careers page photos and try to share the job, if the old image still shows up, you may need to scrape the URL. Visit and make sure you are logged into Facebook. Paste the link to your job in the field and click the Debug button.


On the following page, you will be able to see the snapshot that Facebook has taken of your job. If it is incorrect, click the Scrape Again button, and the new, updated snapshot will appear.