Test CareerPlug's assessments by taking them yourself

To take assessments yourself, you can do so by navigating to your My Profile page.


Click on the Applications tab.


Select which assessments you would like to take by clicking on the toggle next to each assessment.


If you choose the Personality Assessment, you must select at least one category.

Click the Edit Categories link to the right. In the pop-up that appears, check the box for any personality traits you want to assess, then click Confirm.


Once you've added any assessment(s) you want to take yourself, scroll to the bottom of the Applications page, click the Copy Link button, and then click the Update User button to save your changes.


Open a new browser window and paste the assessment link copied from your Applications page.

Read the instructions and click the Next button to begin taking the assessment.


Employee benchmarks

After you complete an assessment(s), you can choose to set yourself as a benchmark.

Navigate back to My Profile and click on the Applications tab (as shown above).

In the Benchmarks section, you can choose how your assessment score is factored into your benchmarks by clicking either of the following checkboxes:

  • Compare Individual Scores - You will see this person's individual scores next to a new applicant's. Individual benchmarks help you compare a new applicant's assessment scores with your best individual team members.
  • Include in Average - This employee's score will be included in an average of scores of all team members who have this option selected. In short, this employee's assessment score will be factored into your 'Team Benchmark Average.' The Team Benchmark Average helps you compare an applicant's score with the average among all your selected team members as opposed to individual team members.


Click Update User to save your changes.