Troubleshooting: Can't post a job

If you can't post a job, an administrator on your account likely needs to make a quick change to your account settings.

Here are some quick fixes for the situation you might be in:

Issue: You don't see the Jobs tab in your navigation bar


Solution: If you're not seeing the Jobs tab, it means you don't have the correct level of access on your account. You should contact someone who works at your company that is an administrator on your account. They need to edit your access level by navigating to Settings > My Organization > Team and clicking the Edit button next to your name to edit your user information. More info here. If your company hires in multiple locations, make sure that the administrator on your account adds you to the correct locations as well. More info.

Issue: You can access the Jobs page, but nothing happens when you click the plus icon (+)


Solution: If you're able to access the Jobs page but can't add new jobs, it means you have the right level of access on your account, but you haven't been assigned to any locations. Contact someone who works at your company that is an administrator on your account. They can either navigate to Settings > My Organization > Team to edit your user information, or navigate to Settings > My Organization > Locations to add you directly to a location. More info.