Editing a form in Onboarding

You have the ability to edit onboarding forms even after they're created.

To edit a form, navigate to the Onboarding side of your account, then Account > Settings.


Scroll down to the Forms area. Click the Edit link to the far right of the name of the form you wish to modify.


When editing a form, there are a number of changes you can make:

  • PDF forms - edit the form name or instructions; adjust form settings; edit, add, remove, or move form fields (see below)
  • Acknowledgment forms - edit the form name or instruction; change the document that employees are expected to read and acknowledge receipt of; adjust form settings
  • Q&A form - edit the form name or instructions; edit the questions employees will be asked; adjust form settings
  • Document form - edit the form name or instructions; change the document that employees are expected to download and re-upload; adjust form settings
  • Employee Record Form - edit the form name or instructions; adjust fields that the employee is expected to complete; adjust form settings

Can I edit any form?

Some premade forms — like the Federal W-4 — cannot be edited. Other premade forms — like the Federal I-9 — have an Edit link to the right, but rather than editing the form, this will only allow you to choose whether you require documentation of identification to be uploaded and electronically stored with the I-9 and whether an employee or their manager is responsible for uploading those documents.

We recommend making the manager responsible for uploading onboarding documents since managers are required to see a physical copy of the employee's I-9. Additionally, please be aware that whether or not you choose to require documentation of identification (via a scan of an employee's I-9), you must require the same for all employees.

Can I edit the fields on a PDF form after it's been assigned to an onboarding checklist?

When it comes to PDF forms that are currently assigned to your onboarding checklists, one thing you cannot edit is the PDF form fields — including moving, editing, adding, or removing fields.

If you need to revise a PDF form beyond the form name, settings, or instructions, we recommend creating a new PDF form with updated fields and uploading it with "New" called out in the title. Edit the original form's name to reflect that it is the "Old" version, then add the "New" PDF to your onboarding checklist and remove the "Old" version.

If you need existing employees to complete your new PDF form, create a separate onboarding checklist, add the updated PDF, and assign that checklist to all necessary current employees. The original version of the PDF form will remain on file.