Adding photos to your careers page

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Adding photos to your careers page helps your company stand out from others. Add photos that showcase your company culture — including employees participating in company activities like volunteer events and holiday parties — to attract top-quality applicants.

To add photos to your careers page, follow these steps:

Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page > Edit Careers Page.


Open the Image Carousel section.


Click Add to find a file on your computer to upload to your careers page.

JPG, PNG, and GIF are the only accepted file types. The recommended image size is at least 1024x768 pixels. Be careful not to stretch your photo and be mindful of the dimensions.

The photos you add will rotate on your careers page.


To adjust the order of the photos, drag the images using the arrows to the left of the thumbnail.


Add photos to your careers page for social media

When you share your jobs on social media, your post will auto-populate with an image pulled from your image carousel. If there are no photos in your image carousel, the system will pull an image from your careers page — usually a distorted section of your banner image.

To ensure your job postings on social media are attractive and representative of your company, upload at least one photo to your image carousel.

Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page > Edit Careers Page. Open the image carousel and add a photo.

Classic careers page editor

Adding photos to your careers page helps your company stand out from others. Add photos that showcase your company culture — including employees participating in company activities like volunteer events and holiday parties — to attract top-quality applicants.

To add photos to your careers page, follow these steps:

Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page.


Scroll to the Company Photos section. Upload up to 5 company photos by selecting Add Photo, Choose File, and selecting the photo you want to upload.


JPG, PNG, and GIF are the only accepted file types. The recommended image size is at least 1024x768 pixels. Be careful not to stretch your photo and be mindful of the dimensions.

The same process for uploading a company photo applies to uploading your company logo. Simply click Choose File and select the company logo you have saved on your computer.