Adding your LinkedIn Company ID

To get consistent applicant flow from LinkedIn, make sure you have a LinkedIn Company page and that you add your LinkedIn Company page ID to CareerPlug.

In this article:

Creating a LinkedIn Company page

If you already have a LinkedIn Company page, skip to step 2.

LinkedIn recommends that each company create one LinkedIn Company page in order to improve your jobs' visibility on LinkedIn.

If there's anyone else at your company who might have already created a LinkedIn Company page, ask them to send you the 6-9 digit ID (see step 2 below.)

If your company does not yet have a LinkedIn Company page, please create one by following these steps:

1. Log into LinkedIn.

2. Click Work, then click Create a Company Page


3. Choose your business type (most CareerPlug clients are small businesses).


4. Enter your company name, company details (including industry, company size, and company type). Upload a logo. Check the box at the bottom verifying that you are an authorized representative of your organization.

5. Click Create Page.

6. On the next page, you'll see your LinkedIn Company ID in the URL bar. Copy it, then skip to step 3.


Want more information? Check out this help article from LinkedIn about how to create a company page.

Finding your LinkedIn Company ID

Your LinkedIn Company ID is a string of numbers, usually 6 to 9 digits long, that is unique to your company. You can see your LinkedIn Company ID when you navigate to your LinkedIn Company page.

Find your LinkedIn Company ID in the URL when you are on the following pages:

  • Search results page when you click on See All Jobs or See all # employees on LinkedIn on your company page.


  • Admin view of your company page - All Pages or Home tab
  • Click Me > Company: Name, then the Home tab. The LinkedIn company ID is the numbers after "/company/" in the URL.


  • For example, if the Admin URL for the LinkedIn Page is:, the company ID is 8681905.

Adding your LinkedIn Company ID to your CareerPlug account

After you've copied your LinkedIn Company ID, follow these steps to add it to CareerPlug.

1. Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Company Profile.


2. Scroll down to Advanced Options.

3. Paste your LinkedIn Company ID into the designated field.


4. Save your changes.