Aggregator vs. individual careers page

There are two types of careers pages: individual and aggregator.

In this article:

What's a careers page?

Every CareerPlug account includes an individual careers page where all of your jobs will automatically be posted.


CareerPlug can either host your careers page directly or you can embed your job listing on your own website using CareerPlug’s widget code.

Embedding your job listing on your website

To locate the CareerPlug widget code to embed your job listing on your website:

Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page.


Locate the Widget section. Click the Copy Code button.


If you embed your job listing on your own company page, you are responsible for placing the widget code on your website.

This widget is designed to be placed into an existing website. In other words, the widget consists of job listings only. There are no customization options from CareerPlug associated with the widget.

What's an aggregator?

This section only applies to franchise partners and multi-brand accounts.

If you are affiliated with a franchise organization or association that is partnered with CareerPlug, your jobs will be posted to that organization or association’s aggregator page — which includes all jobs hosted through CareerPlug for all associated franchisees within an organization or association — as well as your individual careers page.

In the example below, you can see jobs across multiple locations from the same company in the same listing.


If you are affiliated with a multi-brand account, your jobs will be posted to your individual brand’s careers page, as well as the overall account’s aggregator page (if it has been set up).

In the example below, you can see jobs across multiple brands/companies and locations within the same listing.


Differences between an individual careers page and an aggregator

  • Aggregators do not have the photo rotator
  • Aggregators do not have social media and/or company website links
  • Aggregators' filters are located at the bottom of the page, and you can jump to that part of the page from the top by clicking the View Open Positions button
  • Aggregators’ job listings are visible on the aggregator home page

Limitations to configuring your careers page

If you are affiliated with a franchise organization or association that is partnered with CareerPlug, there are certain hard coded features and text on your careers page that you are unable to modify, such as:

  • Adding new filters that don’t already exist
  • Changing the names of filters
  • Changing the term “company website”
  • Changing the verbiage on the “find jobs” button
  • Changing the domain (“”)
  • Making the logo link back to your website
  • Adding more social media links beyond Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook
  • Adding or rearranging sections of your careers page layout