Fast Track

Top applicants are often in the job market for only a short period of time. Many companies lose out on hiring great applicants because another company is able to reach out to them sooner.

With Fast Track, CareerPlug provides the ability to quickly identify your top applicants based on their answers to prescreen questions — and you can even have assessments sent to them automatically. This will help you contact your top applicants faster and prevent losing them to competitors.

The value of Fast Track

Fast Track is most valuable for hiring managers who get large numbers of applicants (and have difficulty keeping up with them) and for hiring managers who have jobs with specific requirements that can be evaluated via prescreen questions.

With Fast Track, you can identify qualified applicants sooner so you don't waste time filtering through candidates who don't fit your most important criteria.

Enabling Fast Track

Add Fast Track to any job posting by editing your prescreen questions (on the Applicant Evaluation tab). To edit a prescreen question, click the gears icon.


You can also add a new prescreen question and designate any response as a Fast Track response. An applicant will be considered Fast Track if they provide the designated answer for all prescreen questions with Fast Track response options. Make note of the “Auto Fast Track” option. All types of prescreen question responses are explained below.

Types of prescreen question responses

  • Normal: This means that no matter how the applicant responds, the response is scored normally and an applicant who selects this answer will not be considered for Fast Track.
  • Fast Track: This means that if the applicant chooses a Fast Track response, that person has the potential to be considered Fast Track. These applicants must correctly select all other Fast Track responses you have set on a job in order to be considered Fast Track.
  • Auto Fast Track: This means that no matter how the applicant responds to other prescreen questions (unless a response disqualifies them — see below), if they select a designated Auto Fast Track response, they will automatically be considered Fast Track. This is useful if you have one key response or requirement you know you need an applicant to have in order to move forward with them in the hiring process.
  • Disqualify: This means that if an applicant chooses this response, they should not be considered for the position. Disqualified applicants appear in their own bucket. Click the Disqualified tab at the top of your Applicants page to view disqualified applicants.

An applicant who has answered all Fast Track questions with the designated response will appear with two green arrows next to their name. You will immediately receive an email notification or a text (if you have enabled text notifications). Enable these notifications by navigating to Settings > Users and editing your user record (in the Notifications area).


From here, you can quickly proceed to the next step in your hiring process.