How to cancel your CareerPlug subscription

Depending on the option available in your account, you can easily downgrade or cancel your CareerPlug subscription from your Plan Details page.

In this article:

Downgrading your CareerPlug subscription

1. Navigate to Settings > Plan And Billing. By default, you will land on your Plan Details page.


2. Click the Change My Plan button at the bottom of the General Information section.


Depending on your account type, you may see an Upgrade/Change My Plan button instead of Change My Plan, but they work the same.

3. Click the Downgrade to Pro or Downgrade to Basic (if you have Pro) button to downgrade your subscription.


If you change your mind and want to keep your current plan, click either the Continue with Premium link or Continue with current plan button.

4. Click the Yes, downgrade my plan link at the bottom of the pop-up to finish downgrading your subscription.


Your Plan Details page will now reflect that your plan is scheduled to downgrade at the next billing cycle.


If you decide you want to keep your subscription at any point after downgrading, click the Cancel Downgrade button on your Plan Details page.

Canceling your CareerPlug subscription

1. Navigate to Settings > Plan And Billing. By default, you will land on your Plan Details page.


2. Click the Cancel Premium Subscription or Cancel Pro Subscription (if you have Pro) link at the bottom of the General Information section.


3. Answer the questions in the Cancel Subscription drawer, clicking Continue after each one. Your feedback really matters to us, so please be honest!


If you change your mind and want to keep your current plan, click the Never mind, I'll stay with my plan! button in the Cancel Subscription drawer.

4. After answering all questions, click the checkbox to confirm that your account's data will be purged after 60 days, and then click the Cancel subscription link.


After you cancel your subscription, you will still have access to your CareerPlug account until your next renewal date. Your account will not renew at that time.

If you cancel your account and return within 60 days, your data will be retained. If you return after 60 days, all of your data will be lost. We recommend exporting any reports or data before canceling your account.