Sorting, filtering, and finding jobs

You can find all of the jobs posted from your account on the Jobs page.

How do I find my jobs?

Job status tabs

Use the status tabs at the top of the Jobs page to filter jobs according to their status.


  • All: Lists all of your jobs regardless of status.
  • Active: Lists jobs that are currently advertised on job boards and your careers page.
  • Closed: Lists jobs that you have closed, which are not posted on job boards or your careers page.
  • Draft: Lists pending jobs that have not yet been posted to job boards or your careers page.
  • Passive: Lists jobs that are currently advertised on your careers page only (as "future openings").

Filter drawer

You can apply additional filters to your Jobs page using the Filters drawer. Click the blue arrow icon on the left edge of the page to expand the Filters drawer.


To apply a filter, click to open the drop-down menu and select all of the options you'd like to see reflected on the Jobs page.


To remove a filter option, simply click the selection again in the drop-down menu. To remove all filters, click the Reset All link in the top right corner of the Filters drawer.


Search field

You can also search for jobs by name using the Search field in the upper right corner.