Using CareerPlug's job approval feature

The job approval feature requires all full access users to have their jobs approved by an account administrator before they are posted on the job boards. In order to activate the job approval feature on your account, please contact us.

In this article:

Selecting job approvers

Once CareerPlug has activated the job approvals feature, navigate to Settings > My Organization > Company Information.

Find the section entitled Job Approval Notification. All the admin users on the account will be listed here. Select which admin users you would like to be able to approve jobs. These admins will be emailed when a job is submitted for approval.

Note: By default, the account owner is the job approver if no other admins are selected.


Submitting a job for approval

When a manager creates a job and submits it for approval, they have the option to leave a comment on the job.


Reviewing a job

After a job has been submitted by a manager for approval, it will be denoted as "Pending Approval" and all admins selected as approvers will get an email inviting them to approve the job. The email includes any comments left by the manager, along with a link to preview the job awaiting approval. Clicking the link will automatically log the admin user into a preview of what the job would look like if it were posted.


You can view jobs that are pending approval in the All tab of your Jobs page.

Accepting or rejecting a proposed job

At the bottom of this preview page, there are two buttons: Accept and Reject. If the approver clicks Accept, the job will be posted on the job boards and be moved to Active status. Once an admin approves the job, all approvers and the manager who requested the job approval will receive an email that the job has been approved and posted.

If the user clicks Reject, they have the option to leave a comment as to why. Once a job is rejected, all approvers, as well as the requester, will receive an email that the job has been rejected (along with the comment as to why), and the job will remain in Inactive status.


After a job is rejected

After a job is rejected, the full access user who requested approval may edit the job and re-submit it for approval.