Configuring your State Farm careers page

Your careers page is the first point of contact applicants will have with your agency, so you need to make it stand out. Before they post their first job, the most successful State Farm Agents configure their careers page to show applicants how passionate they are about what they do.

To set your agency apart from others and attract more high-quality applicants, you need a high-quality careers page.

In this article:

Accessing your careers page settings

Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page.


Adding social links

Scroll to Company/Social Websites. Here, add your Company Website, Facebook business page URL, LinkedIn URL, Instagram Page, and Twitter URL.


Adding photos

Scroll to the Company Photos section. Upload company photos by clicking Add Photo, then Choose File, and selecting the photo you want to upload from your computer.

The photos you choose should highlight your company culture. For example, some Agents include photos of their employees participating in company activities like volunteer events and holiday parties.


Note: JPG, PNG, and GIF are the only accepted file types. The recommended image size is at least 1024x768 pixels. Be careful not to stretch your photo and be mindful of the dimensions.

To ensure your job postings on social media are attractive and representative of your company, upload at least one photo to your image carousel.

Customizing your Company Overview

There are four components that make up the Company Overview that will appear on your careers page:

  • Opening Header
  • Career Opportunity paragraph
  • About Our Agency paragraph
  • Closing line

CareerPlug has conveniently added prewritten statements for you to compose a Company Overview that's unique to your Agency. The selections you make will build a formatted company description that displays on your careers page and application pages.

Follow these steps to customize your Company Overview:

1. Navigate to Settings > My Organization > Careers Page.


2. Scroll down to the Company Overview section and click the Customize Overview link.


3. Select your Opening Header. Think of this as an opening that catches the viewer's attention. Pick the one that best matches your company culture.


4. Select a couple of statements about the types of career opportunities that your agency offers for your Career Opportunity paragraph. You can select as many as apply.


5. Select a couple of statements to inform candidates about your agency for your About Our Agency paragraph. Some options will require you to fill in a blank to complete the statement.


Tip: Select as many "About Our Agency" options as you can. The more you can customize this section to show what makes your specific agency unique, the better.

6. Select the Closing line that best fits your agency.

7. Click the Save button once you've made your selections.


Now you can preview all of your choices put together:


Reset your company overview

To reset your company overview and remake it from scratch, scroll to the Company Overview section and click the Reset to Default link.


Sharing the link to your careers page with interested candidates

Candidates who contact you outside of CareerPlug can visit your careers page to apply.

To get the link to your careers page, click the Careers Page button in the top right corner of your Dashboard. This will open your careers page in a new tab.

Highlight and copy the URL, and paste it into whatever message (email or text) you are sending to an interested candidate.


Your careers page lists all of the open positions at your agency with links to apply to those positions. Interested applicants can apply using the links on this page, and those applicants will immediately be available for review on your Applicants page once they have applied.

Your careers page is also an excellent passive recruiting tool — many agents include a link to their careers page in their email signatures and on their business cards as a way to make their recruiting efforts a part of their daily routine.

Adding a "We're Hiring" tab to your State Farm microsite

Many agents include a link to their careers page via their State Farm microsite. Adding the "We're Hiring" tab to your State Farm microsite is a great way to generate applicant referrals from your current customer base. Anyone who views your State Farm microsite can apply for one of your jobs with just a few clicks.

The "We're Hiring" tab is convenient for your candidates, and it's a great way for you to build a talent pipeline, even when you're not actively hiring.

To add a link to your CareerPlug careers page from your State Farm microsite, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Microsite Customization Tool (MCT) via ABS > Marketing > Agent Advertising > Microsite Customization Tool.
  2. Click the red Edit button next to the "About Me" section of your microsite (on the far-right side of the screen).
  3. In the edit view, find the "Employment Info" section and paste a link to your CareerPlug careers page.
    1. To get the link to your careers page, click the Careers Page button in the top right corner of your Dashboard. This will open your careers page in a new tab. Highlight and copy the URL.
  4. Click the Save button.

The "We're Hiring” tab will appear on your microsite in approximately 24-48 hours.