Using the source analysis chart

Note: This is a Classic Report. To view Classic Reports, click the Insights tab in your top navigation bar, and then click the View Classic Reports button in the top-right corner of the Account Insights page.


To view the source analysis chart, click the Source Analysis tab on your Reports page.


The source analysis charts show a breakdown of which sources your applicants are coming from split across two groups: All Applicants and Hired Applicants.

The All Applicants chart shows where all of your applicants came from while Hired Applicants only shows sources where applicants you've hired came from. Hover over any section of the pie charts to see the percentage of applicants or hires who came from a specific source.


You can use any of the available filters to limit the data you see.

Note: You have the ability to filter by All Applicants, Active Applicants, or Inactive Applicants. If you choose to filter by Inactive Applicants, you may not see any data in your Hired Applicants chart. Make sure to filter by All Applicants or Active Applicants to see all of your hire data in the Hired Applicants chart.

Be sure to select the correct Date Range for the data you wish to view. To view data from a custom date range, click the Date Range drop-down menu and select Custom. Select a Date From and Date To using the calendar picker to define the date range. If you change the date range, click the Update Chart button to apply your changes.
